Published Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hans Koeppen - To The Limit & Beyond
Fran Arfaras profiles 2008 Men's Handcycle Champion Hans Koeppen, Duisburg, Germany...
"In June 2009, Hannes Koeppen and his three team mates of Team Can Be Venture: Carlos Moleda, Patrick Doak and Vico Merklein, made RAAM (Race Across America) history as the first handcycle team to finish the 3,000-mile race across the USA under the official cutoff time for able-bodied cyclists." This quote is from Koeppen's web page. To The Limit & Beyond.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Post RAAM Report from Patrick
We’re about a week removed from RAAM and thought I would drop all of you a note to say thank you for you’re support and enthusiasm during this year’s race. I would especially like to thank our crew and our families. They are the unsung heroes of this race. The effort of the rider’s is truly minimal compared to what they endured. Look at it this way, we got to eat, sleep, and ride our bikes for 8 days, 9 hours, and 6 minutes. Sounds like a vacation in retrospect. And in case you’re wondering, after all that time plus a post race van cleaning and a hard to find post race awards banquet we are all still speaking. I am dubious though of my crew. Chicken salad wraps don’t just disappear regardless of what you say. I’m watching you two.
Our game plan was simple. Make it from Oceanside to Annapolis in 9 days or less. What does it take to make that happen? In a nutshell - a hell of a lot more than I could have ever imagined. On paper it took 12 months of planning, four mini vans, one RV, a Penske moving truck, 4 riders, 15 crew members, and about $55K in entry fees, van rentals, airfare, gas, hotels, spare parts, tires, satellite phones and food. When you look beyond the tangible it really took a lot of people making sacrifices that went far beyond their immediate gratification to stay focused on the goal.
In case you’re wondering, the name “Can Be Venture” was cannibalized from a speech I had to give last year in which I talked about how people should focus their lives and their efforts looking ahead to what can be, instead of on where they were and what fate or any of their current circumstances had presented to them. Truth be told it was a toned down way of saying stop whining, suck it up, and move forward with your life regardless of the cards you’ve been dealt. It just seemed to fit nicely.
That said Team Can Be Venture didn’t set out to inspire or motivate or change able-bodied perspectives of people with disabilities. And for that matter we weren’t trying to demonstrate that we could overcome any of the challenges that our disabilities may have presented to our lives. That would imply that we somehow considered ourselves disabled. We were, and are, just regular guys that wanted to ride our bikes across the country. And though we appreciate the emails and comments letting us know how inspired you were by our efforts and even those that said your lives would never be the same, we want you to understand that what we did is neither heroic nor super human. We simply chose a long time ago to focus our lives on what can be instead of what is and when needed we added to that philosophy a mix of faith and perseverance. It’s a process. It’s all about setting a goal, assessing it, committing to it, and executing on it. It really is just thatsimple.
If we could make one request, please don’t think of us as 4 disabled athletes that made it across the country in under 9 days. Please look at what we did as 4 guys that committed their lives to a philosophy, The Can Be Venture philosophy, irregardless of ability or current condition. We are a retired Navy Seal, a retired micro biologist, a professional athlete, and a project manager. We are husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, boyfriends, and just regular guys. We are just like you with similar dreams, goals, objectives and desires. We are Team Can Be Venture whether we’re riding our bikes or just living our lives.
I’ve tried to recap this race a million times and I’m not sure I can. I feel like I have amnesia and I’m slowly getting my memory back. It seems like the race consisted of one long ass day that lasted 201 hours and 6 minutes. And just like any day at home, we napped, we ate, and we dealt with day to day conflicts. The race was anything but cliché but I’m left sorting through a handful of them to describe what occurred out there. That being the case here’s my RAAM recap in the context of clichés.
It’s like herding cats…Have you ever tried to get 19 volunteers to move in the same direction? Let alone 19 volunteers from different cultures. You could take my pulse by watching the vein in my forehead throb.
Choose your traveling companions carefully…Although it had me biting my nails most of the time it worked out very well. Each rider got to choose 2 personal follow van crew and the crew chief selected the RV and support crew. You choose ‘em, you deal with ‘em. I chose the 2 calmest people I know. My brother and best friend Mike and Billy a co-worker. Even though they took it upon themselves to consume 2x as many calories as I burned, I owe my sanity and race to them. Make sure you lock the pantry if you ever have them over to the house.
A penny for your thoughts…Actually by day 2 I would paid a dollar for you to keep them to yourself
Don't air your dirty laundry in public…Trust me I can’t recall going by one of the German’s vans without seeing a jerseys hanging out the window. And regardless of what anyone says, those low-rise bikini cut Speedos belonged to Ralf and not Grace.
Fresh as a daisy…Almost 9 days with only 3 showers. Fabreeze… It’s not just for fabrics. I ought to tan your hide…By the end of my first daytime ride shift I realized that even if we didn’t make it to Annapolis, I was leaving RAAM with a tan that George Hamilton would be envious of.
It has to get worse, before it gets better…Anyone that tells you you’re on easy street once you get out of the Rockies is full of crap. This race didn’t start to get easy until 11 miles from the finish line.
When you gotta go, you gotta go…The race has been over for a week and I’m still not comfortable peeing in anything besides a Gatorade bottle. It was our little way of recycling. FYI… Don’t drink the lemon/lime Gatorade.
Winners never quit and quitters never win…Remember that Jurie Robic and Team Surfing USA.
Most of the mountains we have in life are ones we build ourselves…Again… Pure Crap! Plain and simple. Most of the mountains we have in life were encountered between days 1-3 and 7-8.Putting the cart before the horse…If you ever get the chance to go 40mph downhill with a mini van 20 feet from your rear wheel, in the dark, driven by a sleepy crewperson…. Pass on it. My therapist believes the nightmares will eventually go away.
Stop and smell the roses…Carson National Forest just outside of Taos NM. It had just finished raining and the sun had just started to go down. Perhaps the best smell of the trip if not a lifetime.
The buck stops here…Thank God he didn’t. Headed toward Ellenboro WV, 2 or 3 in morning on a 40mph downhill and deer decided to cross the road in front of me. I’m not sure if I was feeling the heat from him, my brakes as they melted, or maybe the radiator from the mini van behind. Let’s just say I wasn’t sleepy after that.
Long arm of the law…3 stops in 8 days. San Diego County has this funny rule about rolling roadblocks outside of Borrego Springs at the base of the Glass Elevator at 10:00 at night. Understandably so. We made the one car we saw that night pause a moment before passing. You can only imagine the chaos if the coyotes had to slow down to cross the road.
The more the merrier…
Future RAAM prospects… The more people you have to share the load the better. It helps to spread the sleep and the joy around. There is that herding cats thing though…Mind over matter…I’m not sure why or how but I always climbed better at night than I did during the day. I guess if you can’t see it you can’t feel it.
We're not in Kansas anymore…Trust me when I say you’re in Kansas for half the race. Damn state just never seems to end. Dorothy – count your blessings.What doesn't kill us makes us stronger…That being the case I’m either dead or this is another one of those BS cliché’s.
When the pony dies, the ride is over…Derailleurs are Ponies… Always take extras.Man cannot live on bread aloneMy crew substantiated this. However after careful analysis they did determine that man can live on iced cookies, Whoopers, and NOS energy drinks. Watch you’re local bookstore for their version of RAAM called FAAM. Food Across America. It’s a recap of their favorite foods from all 52 time stations.
A penny saved is a penny earned…Preliminary numbers are in and of the $58K in sponsor money we received, we spent roughly $54K. That means $4K goes back to CAF. Thanks for being frugal.Ah, to be young and foolish...And the ESPY Award for more … than brains goes to Vico Merklein for passing a car on the left on a 60mph downhill. Way to go Vico. Sure it could have cost us a big penalty but it would have been well worth it. Remind me never to ride in a car with you. Altitude is determined by attitude…When you’re climbing to 10K feet your attitude sucks.
There’s no I in Team…We bickered and challenged each other along the way but when it was said and done, I did most of the work. Just kidding, we all used our strengths to the benefit of the team.
Ask & you shall receive…There were days when our crew did laundry 3x in a 24 hour period. And if you wanted rice cakes… you got rice cakes. If you wanted White Castles in Indiana… You got White Castles in Indiana. Unfortunately they started to make the van smell so we left them next to a railroad track in Indiana.
Back in the saddle…As odd as it sounds, every time, minus WV, I slid down into the bucket of my handcycle it felt good.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness…I like to think Fabreeze is a product of the Lord.Don't get your panties in a bunch…When I left for RAAM I had 15 pairs of underwear. I came home with 5. Would someone please tell my wife where they are? I think she’s dubious of what I was doing for 8 days.
Don't let the bed bugs bite…Under normal conditions I wouldn’t have touched the floor of my mini van with tongs and a pair of gloves it was that bad. Somewhere around day 2 it seemed to be just fine to sleep on. I think I just picked part of a Clif bar out of my belly button.
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill…The WV Mountains may lack the altitude of the Rockies but they have twice the bite. And whoever said that PA consisted of Gentle Rolling hills probably wrote “what doesn't kill us makes us stronger”.
I think that’s all she wrote. Remember that sometimes dreams cost money. Thank you Sun Life Financial and The Eagles of Leesburg Florida for making this dream a reality. Also a special thanks to the folks at RAAM and to those that manned the time stations along the way and to Lisa @ for making sure no one ran over Hannes and Vico between the start and TS1.Save your dates. I think 2011 will be a reunion tour for Team Can Be Venture. This time I think we’re going to head to the UK for a dip in The Channel.
Sincerely and most thankfully…Pat
If you have specific questions don’t hesitate to email them to me.
Our game plan was simple. Make it from Oceanside to Annapolis in 9 days or less. What does it take to make that happen? In a nutshell - a hell of a lot more than I could have ever imagined. On paper it took 12 months of planning, four mini vans, one RV, a Penske moving truck, 4 riders, 15 crew members, and about $55K in entry fees, van rentals, airfare, gas, hotels, spare parts, tires, satellite phones and food. When you look beyond the tangible it really took a lot of people making sacrifices that went far beyond their immediate gratification to stay focused on the goal.
In case you’re wondering, the name “Can Be Venture” was cannibalized from a speech I had to give last year in which I talked about how people should focus their lives and their efforts looking ahead to what can be, instead of on where they were and what fate or any of their current circumstances had presented to them. Truth be told it was a toned down way of saying stop whining, suck it up, and move forward with your life regardless of the cards you’ve been dealt. It just seemed to fit nicely.
That said Team Can Be Venture didn’t set out to inspire or motivate or change able-bodied perspectives of people with disabilities. And for that matter we weren’t trying to demonstrate that we could overcome any of the challenges that our disabilities may have presented to our lives. That would imply that we somehow considered ourselves disabled. We were, and are, just regular guys that wanted to ride our bikes across the country. And though we appreciate the emails and comments letting us know how inspired you were by our efforts and even those that said your lives would never be the same, we want you to understand that what we did is neither heroic nor super human. We simply chose a long time ago to focus our lives on what can be instead of what is and when needed we added to that philosophy a mix of faith and perseverance. It’s a process. It’s all about setting a goal, assessing it, committing to it, and executing on it. It really is just thatsimple.
If we could make one request, please don’t think of us as 4 disabled athletes that made it across the country in under 9 days. Please look at what we did as 4 guys that committed their lives to a philosophy, The Can Be Venture philosophy, irregardless of ability or current condition. We are a retired Navy Seal, a retired micro biologist, a professional athlete, and a project manager. We are husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, boyfriends, and just regular guys. We are just like you with similar dreams, goals, objectives and desires. We are Team Can Be Venture whether we’re riding our bikes or just living our lives.
I’ve tried to recap this race a million times and I’m not sure I can. I feel like I have amnesia and I’m slowly getting my memory back. It seems like the race consisted of one long ass day that lasted 201 hours and 6 minutes. And just like any day at home, we napped, we ate, and we dealt with day to day conflicts. The race was anything but cliché but I’m left sorting through a handful of them to describe what occurred out there. That being the case here’s my RAAM recap in the context of clichés.
It’s like herding cats…Have you ever tried to get 19 volunteers to move in the same direction? Let alone 19 volunteers from different cultures. You could take my pulse by watching the vein in my forehead throb.
Choose your traveling companions carefully…Although it had me biting my nails most of the time it worked out very well. Each rider got to choose 2 personal follow van crew and the crew chief selected the RV and support crew. You choose ‘em, you deal with ‘em. I chose the 2 calmest people I know. My brother and best friend Mike and Billy a co-worker. Even though they took it upon themselves to consume 2x as many calories as I burned, I owe my sanity and race to them. Make sure you lock the pantry if you ever have them over to the house.
A penny for your thoughts…Actually by day 2 I would paid a dollar for you to keep them to yourself
Don't air your dirty laundry in public…Trust me I can’t recall going by one of the German’s vans without seeing a jerseys hanging out the window. And regardless of what anyone says, those low-rise bikini cut Speedos belonged to Ralf and not Grace.
Fresh as a daisy…Almost 9 days with only 3 showers. Fabreeze… It’s not just for fabrics. I ought to tan your hide…By the end of my first daytime ride shift I realized that even if we didn’t make it to Annapolis, I was leaving RAAM with a tan that George Hamilton would be envious of.
It has to get worse, before it gets better…Anyone that tells you you’re on easy street once you get out of the Rockies is full of crap. This race didn’t start to get easy until 11 miles from the finish line.
When you gotta go, you gotta go…The race has been over for a week and I’m still not comfortable peeing in anything besides a Gatorade bottle. It was our little way of recycling. FYI… Don’t drink the lemon/lime Gatorade.
Winners never quit and quitters never win…Remember that Jurie Robic and Team Surfing USA.
Most of the mountains we have in life are ones we build ourselves…Again… Pure Crap! Plain and simple. Most of the mountains we have in life were encountered between days 1-3 and 7-8.Putting the cart before the horse…If you ever get the chance to go 40mph downhill with a mini van 20 feet from your rear wheel, in the dark, driven by a sleepy crewperson…. Pass on it. My therapist believes the nightmares will eventually go away.
Stop and smell the roses…Carson National Forest just outside of Taos NM. It had just finished raining and the sun had just started to go down. Perhaps the best smell of the trip if not a lifetime.
The buck stops here…Thank God he didn’t. Headed toward Ellenboro WV, 2 or 3 in morning on a 40mph downhill and deer decided to cross the road in front of me. I’m not sure if I was feeling the heat from him, my brakes as they melted, or maybe the radiator from the mini van behind. Let’s just say I wasn’t sleepy after that.
Long arm of the law…3 stops in 8 days. San Diego County has this funny rule about rolling roadblocks outside of Borrego Springs at the base of the Glass Elevator at 10:00 at night. Understandably so. We made the one car we saw that night pause a moment before passing. You can only imagine the chaos if the coyotes had to slow down to cross the road.
The more the merrier…
Future RAAM prospects… The more people you have to share the load the better. It helps to spread the sleep and the joy around. There is that herding cats thing though…Mind over matter…I’m not sure why or how but I always climbed better at night than I did during the day. I guess if you can’t see it you can’t feel it.
We're not in Kansas anymore…Trust me when I say you’re in Kansas for half the race. Damn state just never seems to end. Dorothy – count your blessings.What doesn't kill us makes us stronger…That being the case I’m either dead or this is another one of those BS cliché’s.
When the pony dies, the ride is over…Derailleurs are Ponies… Always take extras.Man cannot live on bread aloneMy crew substantiated this. However after careful analysis they did determine that man can live on iced cookies, Whoopers, and NOS energy drinks. Watch you’re local bookstore for their version of RAAM called FAAM. Food Across America. It’s a recap of their favorite foods from all 52 time stations.
A penny saved is a penny earned…Preliminary numbers are in and of the $58K in sponsor money we received, we spent roughly $54K. That means $4K goes back to CAF. Thanks for being frugal.Ah, to be young and foolish...And the ESPY Award for more … than brains goes to Vico Merklein for passing a car on the left on a 60mph downhill. Way to go Vico. Sure it could have cost us a big penalty but it would have been well worth it. Remind me never to ride in a car with you. Altitude is determined by attitude…When you’re climbing to 10K feet your attitude sucks.
There’s no I in Team…We bickered and challenged each other along the way but when it was said and done, I did most of the work. Just kidding, we all used our strengths to the benefit of the team.
Ask & you shall receive…There were days when our crew did laundry 3x in a 24 hour period. And if you wanted rice cakes… you got rice cakes. If you wanted White Castles in Indiana… You got White Castles in Indiana. Unfortunately they started to make the van smell so we left them next to a railroad track in Indiana.
Back in the saddle…As odd as it sounds, every time, minus WV, I slid down into the bucket of my handcycle it felt good.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness…I like to think Fabreeze is a product of the Lord.Don't get your panties in a bunch…When I left for RAAM I had 15 pairs of underwear. I came home with 5. Would someone please tell my wife where they are? I think she’s dubious of what I was doing for 8 days.
Don't let the bed bugs bite…Under normal conditions I wouldn’t have touched the floor of my mini van with tongs and a pair of gloves it was that bad. Somewhere around day 2 it seemed to be just fine to sleep on. I think I just picked part of a Clif bar out of my belly button.
Don't make a mountain out of a molehill…The WV Mountains may lack the altitude of the Rockies but they have twice the bite. And whoever said that PA consisted of Gentle Rolling hills probably wrote “what doesn't kill us makes us stronger”.
I think that’s all she wrote. Remember that sometimes dreams cost money. Thank you Sun Life Financial and The Eagles of Leesburg Florida for making this dream a reality. Also a special thanks to the folks at RAAM and to those that manned the time stations along the way and to Lisa @ for making sure no one ran over Hannes and Vico between the start and TS1.Save your dates. I think 2011 will be a reunion tour for Team Can Be Venture. This time I think we’re going to head to the UK for a dip in The Channel.
Sincerely and most thankfully…Pat
If you have specific questions don’t hesitate to email them to me.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The first summit of Mount Everest, the first sub-4-minute mile — these are athletic feats that redefined our perception of what is possible. And a team of four paraplegic handcyclists has just redefined the possibilities of endurance bicycle racing. At 2 p.m. on June 20, Team Can Be Venture pushed off from the starting line in Oceanside, Calif. — headed for the finish line in Annapolis, Md., 3,021 miles away — in the annual Race Across America, officially known as RAAM, arguably the toughest endurance event in the bicycling world.
The first summit of Mount Everest, the first sub-4-minute mile — these are athletic feats that redefined our perception of what is possible. And a team of four paraplegic handcyclists has just redefined the possibilities of endurance bicycle racing. At 2 p.m. on June 20, Team Can Be Venture pushed off from the starting line in Oceanside, Calif. — headed for the finish line in Annapolis, Md., 3,021 miles away — in the annual Race Across America, officially known as RAAM, arguably the toughest endurance event in the bicycling world.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Patrick Doak, Carlos Moleda, Dr. Hannes Koeppen and Vico Merklein are extraordinary athletes doing extraordinary things.
They rode on handcyles and knew that no team has ever completed RAAM in 9 days before on handcyles. They knew it would be really hard, they knew it would hurt (physically and mentally) and they knew they would do it. Failure was not an option.
They arrived in Annapolis at 2.29am. The journey took them an incredible 8 days, 9 hours and 6 minutes averaging 15.02mph. THAT IS FANTASTIC!
Patrick Doak, Carlos Moleda, Dr. Hannes Koeppen and Vico Merklein are extraordinary athletes doing extraordinary things.
They rode on handcyles and knew that no team has ever completed RAAM in 9 days before on handcyles. They knew it would be really hard, they knew it would hurt (physically and mentally) and they knew they would do it. Failure was not an option.
They arrived in Annapolis at 2.29am. The journey took them an incredible 8 days, 9 hours and 6 minutes averaging 15.02mph. THAT IS FANTASTIC!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Life is Good
Just returned from the RAAM banquet. What a nice evening. TeamCanBeVenture was awarded the Ian Sandbach Inspiritional Award. What an honor for our racers. Today was an unbelievable day. All of the planning, racing and hard work came to an end early this morning when TeamCanBeVenture crossed the finish line. What an accomplishment. The first handcycle team to complete RAAM in the allotted time.
We had a few speeches, many tears and a great time at the banquet.
I personally want to thank the entire crew and racers for the opportunity of a life time. The racer crews were unbelieveable. I don't think we lost more than 10 minutes due to wrong turns across the United States. The route is not interstate driving. You are on county roads, unmarked ranch roads and it takes total concentration to follow the route book and direct your driver who in turns directs your racer. You almost have to see it to believe it. I want to thank the racer navigators and the drivers for their devotion throughout the trip. Suzy/Joanna for Carlos, Mike/Billy for Patrik, Ralf/Chrissy for Vico and Joe/Joyce/Grace for Hans. The RV team was Alan/Martha. Our Penske truck driver most of the trip was Ron.
I want to thank the RV crew who spent countess hours preparing food, many times several different types for our racers, doing laundry sometimes 3 times in a 24 hour period. Assistaing in driving while racer crews slept. You have to crew RAAM to understand what really goes on. It takes all of these people to get the racers across the line. I think that Patrick said it correctly tonight. He said the racers got to do what they love. They rode their bikes day and night. The crews directed, fed and kept them comfortable. It was an honor for me to serve as Crew Chief. All of you made my job easy. Thank you so much.
Someone said tonight would you do this again. I think I would and I think several of the crew would also.
Now we start the returning of the vehicles and getting everyone home. I have made lifetime friends the past nine days. I was very fortunate to travel with two of my sons on this trip. For nine days I did not see the news, watch TV, read a newspaper or return phone calls to many friends. It was a trip of a lifetime and if you ever get the opportunity do this. You will not be sorry.
Thank you, Carlos, Patrick, Vico and Hannes for an adventure I will never forget.
We had a few speeches, many tears and a great time at the banquet.
I personally want to thank the entire crew and racers for the opportunity of a life time. The racer crews were unbelieveable. I don't think we lost more than 10 minutes due to wrong turns across the United States. The route is not interstate driving. You are on county roads, unmarked ranch roads and it takes total concentration to follow the route book and direct your driver who in turns directs your racer. You almost have to see it to believe it. I want to thank the racer navigators and the drivers for their devotion throughout the trip. Suzy/Joanna for Carlos, Mike/Billy for Patrik, Ralf/Chrissy for Vico and Joe/Joyce/Grace for Hans. The RV team was Alan/Martha. Our Penske truck driver most of the trip was Ron.
I want to thank the RV crew who spent countess hours preparing food, many times several different types for our racers, doing laundry sometimes 3 times in a 24 hour period. Assistaing in driving while racer crews slept. You have to crew RAAM to understand what really goes on. It takes all of these people to get the racers across the line. I think that Patrick said it correctly tonight. He said the racers got to do what they love. They rode their bikes day and night. The crews directed, fed and kept them comfortable. It was an honor for me to serve as Crew Chief. All of you made my job easy. Thank you so much.
Someone said tonight would you do this again. I think I would and I think several of the crew would also.
Now we start the returning of the vehicles and getting everyone home. I have made lifetime friends the past nine days. I was very fortunate to travel with two of my sons on this trip. For nine days I did not see the news, watch TV, read a newspaper or return phone calls to many friends. It was a trip of a lifetime and if you ever get the opportunity do this. You will not be sorry.
Thank you, Carlos, Patrick, Vico and Hannes for an adventure I will never forget.
better late than never...
well i promised friends and family that i would post along the way not realizing that very shortly after leaving Oceanside, CA sleep and the possibility of a shower would take precedence over contact with the outside world...
so i now share some of my collected thoughts and memories from along the way
-the excitement of arriving in San Diego and getting to Oceanside meeting the team and all the crew and still not really knowing what was ahead of us
-the start at Oceanside where we were all clean and fresh and pumped for the trip ahead seeing our guys cycle past the start line
-pigs in the middle of the road in Sedona, which i am sure would be beautiful during the day time. Sedona, not the pigs.
-the beauty of the beginnings of the desert in California leading into the beautiful red rocks of Arizona and Utah before it was 110 degrees in the shade.
-Lizards, a road runner, a jumping mouse all taking their chances in front of a hand cycle. A chipmunk didn't fair so well somewhere in WV.
-stunning views and so many wild flowers coming into the Rockies, some snow still visible in the distance
-trying to follow Vico on some of the crazy descents, one at 60 mph where the posted speed limit was 30 mph.... and trying to get it on film!
-wondering why we only pass coffee shops in cute towns like Taos at night or when Vico is on the bike and it is impossible to stop for a moment to enjoy the time
-the looks from the prairie dogs, elk, and pronghorns as the hand cycle sped by
-i heard my first ever crop report on the radio in Kansas... did you know the corn is silking and the soybeans are ahead of schedule this year?
-just in case you were wondering, Kansas looks the same from end to end, lots of grain elevators, a sprinkling of oil wells, and flat fields as far as the eye can see.
-Missouri=Misery high head and humidity... finally used my nursing skills and gave one of the guys some IV fluids for heat stroke and dehydration
-the excitement of crossing the Mississippi and knowing how close we were to the end
-i think i actually missed most of Illinois because i was sleeping or just completely out of it.
-coming into the Blue Ridge mountains in WV and feeling home again and also wondering what it will be like to follow Vico on these descents... he passed a car on one of them so you can imagine what it was like to follow...
It has been an intense 8 days 9 hrs and 6 minutes. Rolling into Annapolis this morning was exhilarating because we knew we had done it and we all knew we would get to sleep for more than 2 hrs. Most of us had had less than that in the previous 48 hrs. I felt guilty feeling tired when all I had to do was support and follow, I didn't cycle any of the miles we covered. It is hard to believe we put in over 3000 miles in the past 8 days but Ralf told me to train for this Vico has ridden over 8125 miles on his own since December. These guys are impressive nothing disabled about them, to be behind them in the follow vehicle as they power through a climb or cruise on some of the flats is impressive to say the least. And then even though they are exhausted to always be smiling and able to get back in the hand cycle for one last push is just unbelievable. These four athletes are some of the most impressive I have come across! We had an amazing crew that kept us fed and watered and showered almost every other day across the country. It was a huge group effort to get everyone safely and quickly from one coast to the next, our crew chief was excellent and I thank them all for everything. It was an experience... one I would consider again! Thanks for following us along the way and thanks for the support of the team and crew Can Be Venture!
so i now share some of my collected thoughts and memories from along the way
-the excitement of arriving in San Diego and getting to Oceanside meeting the team and all the crew and still not really knowing what was ahead of us
-the start at Oceanside where we were all clean and fresh and pumped for the trip ahead seeing our guys cycle past the start line
-pigs in the middle of the road in Sedona, which i am sure would be beautiful during the day time. Sedona, not the pigs.
-the beauty of the beginnings of the desert in California leading into the beautiful red rocks of Arizona and Utah before it was 110 degrees in the shade.
-Lizards, a road runner, a jumping mouse all taking their chances in front of a hand cycle. A chipmunk didn't fair so well somewhere in WV.
-stunning views and so many wild flowers coming into the Rockies, some snow still visible in the distance
-trying to follow Vico on some of the crazy descents, one at 60 mph where the posted speed limit was 30 mph.... and trying to get it on film!
-wondering why we only pass coffee shops in cute towns like Taos at night or when Vico is on the bike and it is impossible to stop for a moment to enjoy the time
-the looks from the prairie dogs, elk, and pronghorns as the hand cycle sped by
-i heard my first ever crop report on the radio in Kansas... did you know the corn is silking and the soybeans are ahead of schedule this year?
-just in case you were wondering, Kansas looks the same from end to end, lots of grain elevators, a sprinkling of oil wells, and flat fields as far as the eye can see.
-Missouri=Misery high head and humidity... finally used my nursing skills and gave one of the guys some IV fluids for heat stroke and dehydration
-the excitement of crossing the Mississippi and knowing how close we were to the end
-i think i actually missed most of Illinois because i was sleeping or just completely out of it.
-coming into the Blue Ridge mountains in WV and feeling home again and also wondering what it will be like to follow Vico on these descents... he passed a car on one of them so you can imagine what it was like to follow...
It has been an intense 8 days 9 hrs and 6 minutes. Rolling into Annapolis this morning was exhilarating because we knew we had done it and we all knew we would get to sleep for more than 2 hrs. Most of us had had less than that in the previous 48 hrs. I felt guilty feeling tired when all I had to do was support and follow, I didn't cycle any of the miles we covered. It is hard to believe we put in over 3000 miles in the past 8 days but Ralf told me to train for this Vico has ridden over 8125 miles on his own since December. These guys are impressive nothing disabled about them, to be behind them in the follow vehicle as they power through a climb or cruise on some of the flats is impressive to say the least. And then even though they are exhausted to always be smiling and able to get back in the hand cycle for one last push is just unbelievable. These four athletes are some of the most impressive I have come across! We had an amazing crew that kept us fed and watered and showered almost every other day across the country. It was a huge group effort to get everyone safely and quickly from one coast to the next, our crew chief was excellent and I thank them all for everything. It was an experience... one I would consider again! Thanks for following us along the way and thanks for the support of the team and crew Can Be Venture!
It's official: "TEAM CAN BE VENTURE", is a RAAM finisher!
Our guys made it in 8 days, 9 hours and 6 minutes! It's amazing!
It has been an amazing trip! I will have to sit down with all my notes and write a very long post later!
These last 36 hours have been really difficult on our 4 athletes. After wheeling themselves under the scorching heat in the desert, cold, rain, going up and down hills, mountais, day and night, their bodies are hurting and they are really, really tired! But now, more than ever, the spirits are high and everyone is very happy!
I am just very thankful for the opportunity to have been part of this journey with all these truly amazing human beings!
Our guys made it in 8 days, 9 hours and 6 minutes! It's amazing!
It has been an amazing trip! I will have to sit down with all my notes and write a very long post later!
These last 36 hours have been really difficult on our 4 athletes. After wheeling themselves under the scorching heat in the desert, cold, rain, going up and down hills, mountais, day and night, their bodies are hurting and they are really, really tired! But now, more than ever, the spirits are high and everyone is very happy!
I am just very thankful for the opportunity to have been part of this journey with all these truly amazing human beings!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
As the race comes to an end...
Jared (Patrick's son) and I were walking around downtown Annapolis today. We wanted to scope out the finish so we're not late meeting them tonight. This 9 day journey started years ago and this evening our team and crew will make it to the finish.
I talked to a few members of the RAAM staff this afternoon. Each of them said how incredible Team Can Be Venture is. It got me thinking. They are an incredible group of racers (and crew - we can't forget them). No, they are an incredible group of individuals. RAAM is simply (not to be mistaken for a simple race) an example of what these men are about. This is a hard race - ok, a very hard race for anyone, for everyone. So yes, it might be considered more difficult because the bikes weigh so much more and it's more difficult to climb (that's a bit obvious since it's never been done before) - but they didn't want an extended time allotment. They were going to do this race as they tackle everything else - by the same rules that apply for the masses.
I asked Jared last night if he was ever worried about the team not finishing. He said "no, because dad trained really hard and was ready. Of course they were going to finish." Well said Jared. There is the bigger message this race carries for this team and one I've found in being part of this journey. You have a goal, you come up with a plan, you work hard to be ready and then you attack it.
They knew no other handcycle team had done it in 9 days before.
They knew it would be REALLY hard.
They knew it would hurt (both physically and mentally).
They knew they would do it. Failure was not an option.
This is how these men live their lives and not because they are disabled and in chairs. This is who they are. I/we can learn a lot from them. I do everyday from Patrick - he is my gift (ok, enough wife mushy stuff).
Hit it hard baby. Finish strong. We're waiting for you (with your Woodford Reserve). We're so proud of you, the team and your FABULOUS crew.
Jennifer (& Jared)
Alan The Race Car Driver
The support crew is very grateful to Alan for driving the RV this entire trip. When we are not using the Route Book, Alan, using his GPS named Ethel. Well Alan has not updated Ethel in awhile. Last night we were going from Athens, Oh to Grafton, West Virgina. Sharon and Cathy were in "The Penske" using my GPS that had just been updated. Their GPS took them a different route and they were ahead of us. For those of you who do not know Alan, he used to drive race cars. Thus the trip began. To make a long, long story short. Sharon and Cathy made it to Grafton first. They were parked in the store parking lot and Cathy was outside shouting "we beat you" "we beat you". Just one more fun thing to keep us all sane.
West Virginia Mountains
The mountains in West Virginia have really been tough on the racers. Patrick said every part of his body hurts but we are going to finish tonight. We only have 214 miles to go. When we move from time stations to time stations we move as a caravan. Early this morning the caravan of the RV, the Penske truck, Carlos van and Patricks vans made our way to La Vale Md. When we crossed the state line for Maryland and the big sign said welcome to Maryland my emotions took over. I had tears running down my face for about 10 miles. I could not beleive we were finally this close.
I started thinking about what these men have down this past week. All I could think about was the team motto:
"We believe that we all strive for a better and more fulfilling life. We understand that life is not something that we can control or predict. However, how we approach the way we live our lives and tackle obstacles and challenges along the way, can dictate how our lives Can Be".
Therefore, we are Team Can Be Venture.
I remember 31 years ago when Patrick was in the hospital in Indianapolis. His Dad and I thought why did this injury have to happen to Patrick and we were really feeling pretty sorry for Patrick and our situtation. Then we went down the hall and saw a young boy tied in a wagon. He had no arms and no legs. Suddenly, we realized that we were blessed and we should be grateful. This week I have seen why he was given those arms. Those arms have wheeled him across the United States. This team has shown all challenged athletes that anything is possible. I am so proud of this team.
Will update you later.
I started thinking about what these men have down this past week. All I could think about was the team motto:
"We believe that we all strive for a better and more fulfilling life. We understand that life is not something that we can control or predict. However, how we approach the way we live our lives and tackle obstacles and challenges along the way, can dictate how our lives Can Be".
Therefore, we are Team Can Be Venture.
I remember 31 years ago when Patrick was in the hospital in Indianapolis. His Dad and I thought why did this injury have to happen to Patrick and we were really feeling pretty sorry for Patrick and our situtation. Then we went down the hall and saw a young boy tied in a wagon. He had no arms and no legs. Suddenly, we realized that we were blessed and we should be grateful. This week I have seen why he was given those arms. Those arms have wheeled him across the United States. This team has shown all challenged athletes that anything is possible. I am so proud of this team.
Will update you later.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
As we are driving tonight the sun is setting here in West Virginia. It is so beautiful. When Patrick ask me last Christmas do to RAAM with the team I had no idea of the fun we would have. Watching these four men break into two sub teams and the sub team go out every eight hours and ride in the joy sun, rain and cold is remarkable. Their dedication to the sport is unbelieveable. Many people thought this team would not make it and here we are just 314 miles to go. For me, it has been an honor and a priviledge to support this team.
Today, Martha's 90 year old Father and her brother Nelson came to see us in Athens, Ohio. He watched a team transition. He really enjoyed the visit.
Will update later.
Today, Martha's 90 year old Father and her brother Nelson came to see us in Athens, Ohio. He watched a team transition. He really enjoyed the visit.
Will update later.
Back Home Again In Indiana
Here we are in Indiana. For the Doak's, Patrick, Mike and Barb this back home again in Indiana. Kokomo, Indiana was home for us a lot of years. Patrick really wanted White Castle hamburgers. The Penske truck made an unscheduled stop in Bloomington to get 30 White Castles. We are sorry for Billy being in the van with Patrick, Mike and 30 White Castle.
We are on the homestretch. We can not believe we have been on the road for 7 days. It has been one long continous day. The racers are doing wonderful. The long days and nights are starting to take a toll on a few but the rest of us are hanging in.
Ron got to sleep with his eye mask. He woke up and was going in the store with the mask on. You might be a redneck on the Race Across America if you were an eye mask in to the store.
Friday, June 26, 2009
It's been an amazing trip!
From the sandy beaches, the orange trees, and rock hills in California, the red rock in Arizona, Monument Valley in Utah, the Mountains in Colorado, and even the openess of Kansas. Every day it's a differente landscape! Different people.
The group is made of so many different people, but everyone's goal is the same! Make it to the other side! Carlos, Pat,Vico and Hannes, you guys are amazing!
Let's get there!
From the sandy beaches, the orange trees, and rock hills in California, the red rock in Arizona, Monument Valley in Utah, the Mountains in Colorado, and even the openess of Kansas. Every day it's a differente landscape! Different people.
The group is made of so many different people, but everyone's goal is the same! Make it to the other side! Carlos, Pat,Vico and Hannes, you guys are amazing!
Let's get there!
Another under 100 degrees heat!
Vico and Hannes rode all night and made great progress!
Carlos and Pat took over during the day and made over 140 miles!
These guys are amazing!
Everyone look tired, but after passing the halfway mark we feel like we can smell the ocean!
Vico and Hannes rode all night and made great progress!
Carlos and Pat took over during the day and made over 140 miles!
These guys are amazing!
Everyone look tired, but after passing the halfway mark we feel like we can smell the ocean!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Missouri is HOT! HOT! HOT!
Vico and Hannes took a beating from the relentless Missouri heat! Carlos and Pat relieved them and are now on the road as the sun goes down! Everyone's tired but spirits remain high. The guys drive and determination are keeping us all going! We are now past the point of no return, it's easier to go forward then to go back!
TruckStop Showers
Did you know you can take showers in truckstops. We were at a truck stop this morning taking showers. They told us it would be $9.00 a shower and we would have paid $20.00. Cathy and Sharon sucked up to the manager and we got the showers for $6.00. I wasn't outside but I think they were out in the lot being lot lizards.
The doors on the showers locked on the outside not the inside. Martha was taking a shower and someone opened the door from the outside. He had a big smile on his face and said he was sorry. Maybe this is why we got the showers for $6.00. We may write a book about this trip when we are finished.
The doors on the showers locked on the outside not the inside. Martha was taking a shower and someone opened the door from the outside. He had a big smile on his face and said he was sorry. Maybe this is why we got the showers for $6.00. We may write a book about this trip when we are finished.
Thursday Afternoon Update
We are in the Ozark Mountains. Some climbs but nothing like the Rockies. Looks like we are on schedule to cross the Mississippi River. Like any large family traveling we have had some up and downs. Carlos, Hannes, Patrick and Vico look really good. People along the way have been so kind it strengthens your faith in the American people.
The RV/Penske truck crew is very busy. Yesterday in a 24 hour period I was in 3 laundermats in three different cities. We passed a bicycle team yesterday and we were all very excited about it. I myself have found several places that I want to come back and visit.
We have seen one shining sea,
We have seen the spacious skies in Arizonia and New Mexico.
We have seen the amber waves of grain acroos the whole state of Kansas.
We have seen the purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain in Colorado.
Everytime we cross into a different state we all agree that when Katharine Lee Bates wrote the words to America The Beautiful she must have been doing RAAM.
The good thing is we are all still speaking to each other and still have our goal to reach the second shining sea in Annapolis.
Yesterday we were parked at a city park in some little town in Kansas. I was sleeping on a picnic table with my Brahmin handbag as a pillow. Made the whole homeless look real.
Janet, got your email, thanks for your support and keep following us.
It is amazing how 18 people (most had never met each other before) have learned each others likes, dislikes and what pushes their buttons. I lost my cool in the RV a few days ago and found that I can do that and we still laugh about it and get along. Before we left on this adventrue I apoligized to everyone that if I offended them any in way I was sorry.
Life is good on the RAAM road and I am so very proud of our racers and crew. This is the true endurance for all of us.
I am even thinking about volunteering to crew next year. Who know I might make this my retirement crew.
The RAAM officials have been outstanding along the trip. Their management team can be proud of the team that have put together to support this adventure.
Got to get a little sleep, will update you later.
The RV/Penske truck crew is very busy. Yesterday in a 24 hour period I was in 3 laundermats in three different cities. We passed a bicycle team yesterday and we were all very excited about it. I myself have found several places that I want to come back and visit.
We have seen one shining sea,
We have seen the spacious skies in Arizonia and New Mexico.
We have seen the amber waves of grain acroos the whole state of Kansas.
We have seen the purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain in Colorado.
Everytime we cross into a different state we all agree that when Katharine Lee Bates wrote the words to America The Beautiful she must have been doing RAAM.
The good thing is we are all still speaking to each other and still have our goal to reach the second shining sea in Annapolis.
Yesterday we were parked at a city park in some little town in Kansas. I was sleeping on a picnic table with my Brahmin handbag as a pillow. Made the whole homeless look real.
Janet, got your email, thanks for your support and keep following us.
It is amazing how 18 people (most had never met each other before) have learned each others likes, dislikes and what pushes their buttons. I lost my cool in the RV a few days ago and found that I can do that and we still laugh about it and get along. Before we left on this adventrue I apoligized to everyone that if I offended them any in way I was sorry.
Life is good on the RAAM road and I am so very proud of our racers and crew. This is the true endurance for all of us.
I am even thinking about volunteering to crew next year. Who know I might make this my retirement crew.
The RAAM officials have been outstanding along the trip. Their management team can be proud of the team that have put together to support this adventure.
Got to get a little sleep, will update you later.
Still in Kansas, but not for long!
We're still doing great despite temps over 100 degrees, LOTS and LOTS of bugs and seemingly endless stretches of flat roads and grass. Spirits are high, riders are "gung ho" , crew is holding up (despite lack of rest) and handcycles are in good shape. Marveling over the vastness and beauty of the United States.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
flat tire!
62 miles after Elkhart, right before transition, Carlos blew a tire! Patrick took over at transition without missing a beat. Now 75 miles from Elkhart, Carlos is back on the road with a new tire. No time lost!
They made it to Elkhart!
With 4 hours to spare!!!!! They are making some GREAT time today.
Patrick is expecting they'll be at the halfway point later this evening. They need to make it to the Mississippi River by 5 p.m. on Friday.
WooHoo! They are very excited!
Patrick is expecting they'll be at the halfway point later this evening. They need to make it to the Mississippi River by 5 p.m. on Friday.
WooHoo! They are very excited!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hopi Stop Store
Thanks so much to you guys at the Hopi Indian convience store. The history lesson was wonderful wouldbelive the Hopi have a store on one side of the road and the Navaho on the other side.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Thanks for your hospitality.
Lost Earring in Mexican Hat
I evidently was doing the Mexican Hat dance in Mexican Hat. I lost one of my pearl earrings. More sentimental than value.
Thank you Congress, Arizona TS Representatives
Update from Kathy
Crossing the open range, Ron in true Tansey form avoided a cow on the side of the road. If we would have had time we would have had a cow roast.
I have been amazed at how friendly and helpful everyone along the road has been. Seeing American in 9 days isn't as bad as we think with great people.
I was very thankful that my driving through the Rockies was during the night. I had no idea the dropoffs were even there.
Update you later,
I have been amazed at how friendly and helpful everyone along the road has been. Seeing American in 9 days isn't as bad as we think with great people.
I was very thankful that my driving through the Rockies was during the night. I had no idea the dropoffs were even there.
Update you later,
Update from Dr Joe
As of this moment the race is on. We have a critical deadline to meet by 3:00pm tomorrow. We have gone through the Rockies and now we have to push and pedal as hard as we can. This is not about a scenic tour.
1. San Diego sheriffs dept pulled us over for a several hours.
2. Broken bike (2 derailers). Our racers repared the bike at 2am. in the Walmart parking lot.
3. Must speak Shimano about new gears.
Dr Joe
1. San Diego sheriffs dept pulled us over for a several hours.
2. Broken bike (2 derailers). Our racers repared the bike at 2am. in the Walmart parking lot.
3. Must speak Shimano about new gears.
Dr Joe
Report from Antonito, Colorado
The support team is in Antonito, Colorado ready to move on to Taos, NM. The mountain climb the last two days have been really tough on the racers. We had a bike problem and hopefully that is now taken care of. We have to be in Elkhart, Kansas tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. The guys are saying no problem. Yesterday we were at a RV park in Mexican Hat. We all got showers, what a treat. Have you ever dried your hair with the hand dryer in the ladies restroom. It is real fun!!!.
The racers and the crews are being fed well and taken care of. For the support team the moving and cooking never ends. When a team comes in you have to feed them, prepare what they want for their next 8 hours, fix breakfast when they wake up and send them on their way. Once they leave the next team is here to start it all again.
The crews can't wait to get in New Mexico and get Indian Tacos. I think if we do not get some of them they will be upset.
This is the first time I have had a chance to update in several days.
Will try to do a better job updating.
The racers and the crews are being fed well and taken care of. For the support team the moving and cooking never ends. When a team comes in you have to feed them, prepare what they want for their next 8 hours, fix breakfast when they wake up and send them on their way. Once they leave the next team is here to start it all again.
The crews can't wait to get in New Mexico and get Indian Tacos. I think if we do not get some of them they will be upset.
This is the first time I have had a chance to update in several days.
Will try to do a better job updating.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Need more info - faster?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm feeling a bit glued to my computer since the race started. I spent some time on the RAAM website and found some helpful info. Thought I'd share it with you.
Looks like they just made it to TS #11 (Mexican Hat, Utah) about 10 minutes ago.
Use the below link.
Use the drop down on rider/team report (select #T412) to get info on the time station arrival times, average speed, miles left to ride, etc.
Use the drop down on arrival predictions - rider/team (select #T412) to get estimates of when they are expected to reach the remaining time stations. Remember they need to make it to Annapolis by 17:00 on Monday, June 29th.
Looks like they just made it to TS #11 (Mexican Hat, Utah) about 10 minutes ago.
Use the below link.
Use the drop down on rider/team report (select #T412) to get info on the time station arrival times, average speed, miles left to ride, etc.
Use the drop down on arrival predictions - rider/team (select #T412) to get estimates of when they are expected to reach the remaining time stations. Remember they need to make it to Annapolis by 17:00 on Monday, June 29th.
The RAAM-2009 start was nothing short of amazing! The presenter for the teams was Gabriele Reece, who was also cheering on her husband, Laird Hamilton, who is part of Team Surfing USA.
The National anthem was performed Jimmy Hendrix style.
And they were off!
For Team Can Be Venture, Hannes started the first leg, followed by Vico for the first few miles. Then Carlos and Pat took over right after TS-1.
The landscape was amazing! California is beautiful! We got to see the beach, orange orchards, the endless rocky hills and, even the “happy cows from California”! The panoramic views were breath taking! The night skies are amazing! The sunrise with a sliver of a moon in the horizon will never be forgotten!
The transitions have been perfect! I guess all the practicing was worth it after all!
The only snag we encountered was when Pat was stopped by a San Diego County police officer for what he thought was some irregularity. But RAAM Officials were very prompt to clarify everything, and we were on the move shortly after.
The Team is pretty well and moral is really high! We are making good time to all Time Stations.The support crew is doing an amazing job in keeping everyone fed, clean and rested!
Check back later for more news!
The National anthem was performed Jimmy Hendrix style.
And they were off!
For Team Can Be Venture, Hannes started the first leg, followed by Vico for the first few miles. Then Carlos and Pat took over right after TS-1.
The landscape was amazing! California is beautiful! We got to see the beach, orange orchards, the endless rocky hills and, even the “happy cows from California”! The panoramic views were breath taking! The night skies are amazing! The sunrise with a sliver of a moon in the horizon will never be forgotten!
The transitions have been perfect! I guess all the practicing was worth it after all!
The only snag we encountered was when Pat was stopped by a San Diego County police officer for what he thought was some irregularity. But RAAM Officials were very prompt to clarify everything, and we were on the move shortly after.
The Team is pretty well and moral is really high! We are making good time to all Time Stations.The support crew is doing an amazing job in keeping everyone fed, clean and rested!
Check back later for more news!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Update from Patrick
About 2 minutes after reading Barb's blog Patrick called. My first question is what is this about a run in with the Sheriff's Department in SD? Short story is that they got pulled over - some issue about the van following Patrick being against the law. They were stopped about an hour an 40 minutes - ugh, not good when every minute counts. Patrick estimated they lost about an hour of time. Thanks to the RAAM Officials for your assistance. And we were worried about Vico staying out of trouble!
Patrick and Carlos just finished their first shift. Patrick said he was thrilled to be done with the "glass elevator." It's about a 4,000 foot drop over 8 miles (in the dark, no less). They have about 200 miles under their belt at this point. They're heading to base camp now to get some sleep while Hannes and Vico ride.
Patrick and Carlos just finished their first shift. Patrick said he was thrilled to be done with the "glass elevator." It's about a 4,000 foot drop over 8 miles (in the dark, no less). They have about 200 miles under their belt at this point. They're heading to base camp now to get some sleep while Hannes and Vico ride.
Made It First Night
We are in Blythe, California and we made it through our first day and night. Only major problem was with Patrick and the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Can't take Patrick anywhere.
We will be heading to a RV park for showers (yes we are going to get showers) and water in the RV.
Will update you later.
We will be heading to a RV park for showers (yes we are going to get showers) and water in the RV.
Will update you later.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
and so it begins...
As we flew into San Diego Joana asked me, do we know what we have gotten ourselves into? I said, "No way!" I looked out the window at the desert terrain and wonder, how will our guys feel about handcycling through that? But I am inspired by our motto "Life based on what can be instead of what is." I am excited and nervous about the days ahead, I hope my medical skills go unneeded. I am inspired by our athletes (the standing ovation was over the top), amazed by the scope of this event and the number of teams and crew here in Oceanside. It seems that everything has been thought of, our crew is organized; and it is a phenomenal group! I feel confident that the first 24hrs will produce plenty of stories. Check back soon.
Team Photos/Race Start Day Update

A few pictures from yesterday.
What a crazy week it's been here in Carlsbad, CA. There's tons of excitement in the air at our hotel right now. I'm not sure how much sleep everyone got last night but everyone is walking and taking pretty darn fast. Vans are undergoing last minute prep and our hotel rooms are emptying out. We're leaving in 1 hour to head to Oceanside for the start of the race, which begins at 5 p.m. EST. All 4 racers will begin the race together and then Hannes will lead the team for the first section. Hannes is already all business and reviewing the course (again) - the first portion is unescorted so he will be on his own for the first 20 miles or so.
I can't believe RAAM is finally here. Patrick has been talking about this race for years and planning this for almost a year and a half. Thanks for all your well wishes. Our plan is to update the blog daily. Please keep our riders and crews in your thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday was the day for equipment inspections and team presentations!
We got all the vans, RV, handcyles and gear ready for inspection.
Later in the day thera was a ceremony to introduce all the teams that are racing today.
It was great to see so many commited people. All the crews were cheering everyone on! It was really great!
Team Can Be Ventura was introduced to the crowd and got an standing ovation!
After the ceremony they were interviwed by the RAAM crew.
This is going to be a great adventure!
We got all the vans, RV, handcyles and gear ready for inspection.
Later in the day thera was a ceremony to introduce all the teams that are racing today.
It was great to see so many commited people. All the crews were cheering everyone on! It was really great!
Team Can Be Ventura was introduced to the crowd and got an standing ovation!
After the ceremony they were interviwed by the RAAM crew.
This is going to be a great adventure!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Yesterday after an afternoon of practicing transitions and meetings, it feels that we are almost ready to go!
Today we have a full agenda with registrations, pictures, shopping for supplies and, of course, more meetings and instructions!
And, did I mention practicing transitions???
Check back later!
Today we have a full agenda with registrations, pictures, shopping for supplies and, of course, more meetings and instructions!
And, did I mention practicing transitions???
Check back later!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The whole group is now in San Diego. Chrissy and I were the last ones to arrive this afternoon! We had a great flight from Atlanta/GA here. The only empty seat in the plane was the one between us, which gave us plenty of room to stretch our legs and relax! Chrissy even stepped up to the plate when a passenger was not feeling well and the flight crew asked for help. Nothing like traveling with a nurse that carries a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope in her carry-on!
The plan for this afternoon is to practice our transitions and make an inventory of our medical supplies to see if we need to do any last minute shopping!
The vans are ready to go, everyone is in great spirits and ready to rock!
The plan for this afternoon is to practice our transitions and make an inventory of our medical supplies to see if we need to do any last minute shopping!
The vans are ready to go, everyone is in great spirits and ready to rock!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My wife and I woke up in Barstow , California this morning on our way to Oceanside from Boston . The trip’s been uneventful to this point and a good opportunity to get to know my wife again after so many months of work and training. And yes after 3000 miles together in a van, we’re still married even though a few billboards along the way offered a one day divorce. That’s the upside. On the other hand it’s been a reality check. I wouldn’t say I had underestimated the task at hand but seeing how our rental van got batted around in the winds and how it struggled to climb the hills in the Rockies made me really think about what we’re doing. I was a little torn more than once between how beautiful it was to look at vs. how much it’s going to suck to ride on the way back.
Here’s a couple of shots from the trip… The first is me testing the claims of the folks at 5 Hour Energy Shots. I averaged about 4. I found they work faster when you inject them directly into a vein… The other is just outside of Denver . Not the same route we’ll take back but similar in certain parts. My hat’s off to the folks at Chrysler. I had no idea you could drive a vehicle that long redlining the tachometer. It doesn’t idle so well anymore though and doesn’t shift out of 1st gear but I think it’ll be fine. Besides I paid an extra $24/day “insurance” in case “those” situations arose.
Talk to you soon… Pat
Here’s a couple of shots from the trip… The first is me testing the claims of the folks at 5 Hour Energy Shots. I averaged about 4. I found they work faster when you inject them directly into a vein… The other is just outside of Denver . Not the same route we’ll take back but similar in certain parts. My hat’s off to the folks at Chrysler. I had no idea you could drive a vehicle that long redlining the tachometer. It doesn’t idle so well anymore though and doesn’t shift out of 1st gear but I think it’ll be fine. Besides I paid an extra $24/day “insurance” in case “those” situations arose.
Talk to you soon… Pat
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sun Life Financial Sponsors All-Star Handcycle Team's
Record-Setting Quest in 3,000-Mile Race Across America...more
Record-Setting Quest in 3,000-Mile Race Across America...more
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I just got the medical supplies for the race. We hope we won't need to use any of it, but we'll be well prepared for any scrapes, scratches, sunburns, upset stomachs, aches and pains that we might encounter!
Thanks Dr. Mike and Lisa Abidin for the support in donating these supplies!
Thanks Dr. Mike and Lisa Abidin for the support in donating these supplies!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Training has been great. Lots of ups and downs. Trying to find out the best training and nutrition approach to be in the best shape possible for this race. I have done events like this before (long rides) however never "racing" against the clock. We have to be able to finish (will) RAAM under the 10 days cut off time to be official finishers of RAAM. No extra time, no shorter distances, same number of riders, everything just like the able body riders. We put together just about the best team of handcyclists for this race, Vico, Hannes and Pat and myself are committed and well accomplished riders with one goal in mind: getting it done.
I think it will be an awesome adventure for everyone involved, including you reading this post. Follow us on our adventure, learn about the Challenged Athletes Foundation and support us as we take on, one of the toughest events in the world.
I think it will be an awesome adventure for everyone involved, including you reading this post. Follow us on our adventure, learn about the Challenged Athletes Foundation and support us as we take on, one of the toughest events in the world.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Race Across America (RAAM) will start on June/20!
It will be over 3,000 miles of an amazing journey for the 4 handcyclists on the "Team Can Be Venture" and their Crew! From Oceanside/CA to Annapolis/MD, through 14 states and 4 time zones!
We are all very excited to be part of this adventure!
Check back here for updates! We'll be back soon!
It will be over 3,000 miles of an amazing journey for the 4 handcyclists on the "Team Can Be Venture" and their Crew! From Oceanside/CA to Annapolis/MD, through 14 states and 4 time zones!
We are all very excited to be part of this adventure!
Check back here for updates! We'll be back soon!
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