The support team is in Antonito, Colorado ready to move on to Taos, NM. The mountain climb the last two days have been really tough on the racers. We had a bike problem and hopefully that is now taken care of. We have to be in Elkhart, Kansas tomorrow afternoon at 3pm. The guys are saying no problem. Yesterday we were at a RV park in Mexican Hat. We all got showers, what a treat. Have you ever dried your hair with the hand dryer in the ladies restroom. It is real fun!!!.
The racers and the crews are being fed well and taken care of. For the support team the moving and cooking never ends. When a team comes in you have to feed them, prepare what they want for their next 8 hours, fix breakfast when they wake up and send them on their way. Once they leave the next team is here to start it all again.
The crews can't wait to get in New Mexico and get Indian Tacos. I think if we do not get some of them they will be upset.
This is the first time I have had a chance to update in several days.
Will try to do a better job updating.