Sunday, June 21, 2009

Update from Patrick

About 2 minutes after reading Barb's blog Patrick called. My first question is what is this about a run in with the Sheriff's Department in SD? Short story is that they got pulled over - some issue about the van following Patrick being against the law. They were stopped about an hour an 40 minutes - ugh, not good when every minute counts. Patrick estimated they lost about an hour of time. Thanks to the RAAM Officials for your assistance. And we were worried about Vico staying out of trouble!

Patrick and Carlos just finished their first shift. Patrick said he was thrilled to be done with the "glass elevator." It's about a 4,000 foot drop over 8 miles (in the dark, no less). They have about 200 miles under their belt at this point. They're heading to base camp now to get some sleep while Hannes and Vico ride.